Wednesday, July 20, 2011

breast fat

I can't remember if I was in California or Hawaii at the time, but I do remember this: I was in a wee little boutique witha couple girlfriends, when I overheard the staff members talking about how the lil bit of chub on the outside of your armpit is just "extra breast fat."  Though the girl was referring to her own chub, I appreciated the comment. It kind of reminded me about the time that I overheard someone saying that the impossible-to-lose chub between your bellybutton and your V is supposed to be there. I forget why exactly, but it had something to do with your bod being all maternal and getting ready for making a baby. It'll need cushioning all up in your womb, so... uh, that makes sense right? As much sense as the breast fat thing? I dont know what my boobies are doing by my armpits, but as long they're nowhere near my bellybutton, who am I to complain, right?

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